Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Ok, I try to be 'fair and balanced' in my reporting (unlike Fox News Channel, whatever it may say (an example of that below)), but after having the chance to talk to a number of high ranking military leaders, all of whom agreed that Rumsfeld is a hinderance to their performance rather than an asset, I encourage everyone to consider sending a letter to the White House and demanding Rumsfeld's resignation. Copy your Senator and Rep, too.

A sample letter (and quick form) is available at - Thank You

RE Fox News - last year I was in a hotel diner and heard the morning 'news' on Fox (this is before I started bringing my remote to breakfast and changing the channel). The 3 people talking (not sure what show) were complaining how people were being critical of Bush, but that "no one ever complained about Clinton" WHAT?!?!? These people never heard of Whitewater? 40+ million spent to investigate a non-event? How about the outcry over going into Bosnia - where we didn't lose a SINGLE soldier?

Anyway, if we focus on one of them at a time, maybe we can actually get some of the worst offenders out of office.

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